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Erum við með spes hús?

Rakst á þessar myndir á veraldarvefnum í dag.  Alltaf gaman að skoða sérstaka hluti og þessi hús heyra svo sannarlega undir þá skilgreiningu.  Af hverju erum við ekki með nein svona sérstök hús hér á landi.  Í fljótu bragði man ég eftir rúllu húsinu í Setbergi og Ásmundarsafn við Sigtún. 

03upside-down-houseUpside-Down House (Syzmbark, Poland)
This upside down design seems totally nonsensical–but that is exactly the message the Polish philanthropist and designer, Daniel Czapiewski, was trying to send. The unstable and backward construction was built as a social commentary on Poland’s former Communist era. The monument is worth a trip be it for a lesson in history or balance.


05UkraineFloatingCastleFloating Castle (Ukraine)
Supported by a single cantilever, this mysterious levitating farm house belongs in a sci-fi flick. It’s claimed to be an old bunker for the overload of mineral fertilizers but we’re sure there’s a better back story . . . alien architects probably had a hand in it.


08Extreme-Tree-HouseExtreme Tree House (Irian Jana, Indonesia)
The Korowai and Kombai clans carved out clearings of the remote part of the low-land forest to make way for these extreme tree houses. Unlike the typical tree houses that are nestled in branches, these dwellings are perched on the tip tops of the treesfully exposed to the elements. But we aren’t sure what’s scarier a strong gust of wind or the ladder they use to get up there.


12habitat67finalHabitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)
Apartments connect and stack like Lego blocks in Montreal's Habitat 67. Without a traditional vertical construction, the apartments have the open space that most urban residences lack, including a separate patio for each apartment.


14Pod_housePod House (New Rochelle, New York)
We assumed this oddball home was UFO-inspired, but it turns out the weed Queen Anne’s lace is where it got it's roots. Its thin stems support pods with interconnecting walkways.

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1 identicon

Hva, það er nú alltaf gaman að sýna útlendingum loftmyndir af Smáralindinni...

Anna Kristinsdóttir (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2008 kl. 01:08

2 identicon

Mér líst vel á húsið í trjánum. Allavega núna, í logninu í kvöld.

Sigrún Jóna (IP-tala skráð) 18.4.2008 kl. 20:50

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